Motivational Strategies Accessible Detailed Description

Motivational Strategies Path

Accessible Detailed Description

Motivational Strategies

This path helps you build your skills as a powerful and effective communicator. The projects focus on learning strategies for building connections with the people around you, understanding motivation and successfully leading small groups to accomplish tasks. This path culminates in a comprehensive team-building project that brings all of your skills together—including public speaking.

Motivational Strategies hierarchal core competencies:

  1. Public Speaking
  2. Interpersonal Communication
  3. Strategic Leadership
  4. Confidence

Motivational Strategies Curriculum

Motivational Strategies

Level 1

Level 1
Required Projects

Ice Breaker

Writing a Speech With Purpose

Introduction to Vocal Variety and Body Language

Evaluation and Feedback

Motivational Strategies

Level 2

Level 2
Required Projects

Understanding Your Communication Style

Active Listening

Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring

Motivational Strategies

Level 3

Level 3
Required Projects

Understanding Emotional Intelligence

Level 3
Elective Projects (choose 2)

Deliver Social Speeches

Using Presentation So ware

Connect with Storytelling

Creating Effective Visual Aids

Using Descriptive Language

Connect with Your Audience

Make Connections Through Networking

Focus on the Positive

Inspire Your Audience

Prepare for an Interview

Understanding Vocal Variety

Effective Body Language

Know Your Sense of Humor

Motivational Strategies

Level 4

Level 4
Required Projects

Motivate Others

Level 4
Elective Projects (choose 1)

Create a Podcast

Building a Social Media Presence

Managing a Difficult Audience

Write a Compelling Blog

Manage Online Meetings

Question-and-Answer Session

Public Relations Strategies

Manage Projects Successfully

Motivational Strategies

Level 5

Level 5
Required Projects

Team Building

Reflect on Your Path

Level 5
Elective Projects (choose 1)

Lessons Learned

Moderate a Panel Discussion

Ethical Leadership

High Performance Leadership

Leading in Your Volunteer Organization

Prepare to Speak  Professionally

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